Kataku untukmu !!!

Jangan pernah letih mengarungi samudera yang begitu luas..
Jangan takut akan badai dan ombak yang menerjang kehidupan..
Jangan lalaikan segalanya yang mudah terabaikan..
Jangan pernah takut untuk bermimpi dalam langit-Nya..

Karena kita tak akan tahu apa yang ada dalam dasarnya samudera..
Karena kita tak akan tahu bahwa terpaan badai dan deburan ombak mampu menyulam keadaan menjadi indah..
Karena kita tak akan tahu berapa lama waktu yang tersisa dalam nyatanya hidup..
Karena kita tak akan tahu banyak sinar dalam malamnya langit dan memberi songkohan yang tajam untuk tiap asa yang tertancap..

Bahwa Sang Pencipta tak akan pernah sia-sia menciptakan langit yang berlapis dan tata surya yang mendampingi..
Bahwa sesungguhnya, hidup ini penuh dengan liku yang mengharu birukan degupan jantung dalam sanubari..
Bahwa tiap untaian keabadian di akhirat akan mampu kita tembus dengan untaian yang kita tulis di dunia..

So, Bersyukurlah dan Bertaqwalah !!!
Murnikan segala ibadah kita hanya untuk mengharapkan ridho-Nya !!!
Semangat dan tetap Istiqomah, duhai pemuda-pemudi ISLAM !!!

Selasa, 10 April 2012

Toefl - Skill1 (Subject and Verb)

In toefl learn skills in the first is we will discuss about the subject and verb. You know that a sentence in English should have a subject and a verb. The most common types of problems that you will encounter in the Structure section of the TOEFL test are related to subjects and verbs; perhaps the sentence is missing either the subject, or the verb, or both; perhaps the sentence has an extra subject or verb. To understand the structure of the subject and the verb see examples of the following:
  •  Newspapers _______ every morning and every evening.
    (A) delivery
    (B) are delivered
    (C) on time
    (D) regularl

    In this example, you should notice immediately that the sentence has a subject, newspapers, but that there is no verb. Because answer (B), are delivered, is a verb, it is the best answer. Answers (A), (C), and (D) are not verbs, so they are not correct.
  •  ______was ringing continuously for hours.
    (A) Loudly
    (B) In the morning
    (C) The phone
    (D) The bell

    In the second example, you should notice immediately that there is a verb, was ringing, but there is no subject. Answer (C) is the best answer because it is a singular subject that agrees with the singular verb was ringing. Answer (A), loudly, and answer (B), in the morning, are not subjects, so they are not correct. Although answer (D), bells, could be a subject, it is not correct because bells is plural and it does not agree with the singular verb was ringing.
A sentence in English must have at least one subject and one verb. The first thing you should do as you read a sentence in the structure section of the TOEFL test  is to find the subject and the verb. To better understand the learning skills toefl, we will examine the following questions exercises with answers correct or incorrect:
  •  My best friend always helpful with problems. ( I )
        The subject of the sentence above is My best friend, but there is no Verb. So, incorrect.
        The correct sentence should be My best friend is always helpful and with problems.
  •  Accidentally dropped the glass on the floor. ( I )
        The sentence doesn't have a Subject. The verb is dropped, so it is incorrect.
        The correct sentence should be Accidentally she or he dropped the glass on the floor.
  • The professor handed the syllabus to the students. (C)
       The sentence has subject, the professor and verb, handed. So it is correct
  • The basketball player tossed the ball into the hoop. (C)
        The sentence has subject, The basket ball player and verb, tossed. So it is correct
  •  Walking with the children to school.(I)
        The sentence doesn't have a Subject. It has main verb, walking but without tobe. So incorrect.
        The correct sentence could be She/he is walking with the children to school
  • The whales headed south for the winter. (C)
         The sentence has a subject, the whales and verb, headed. So, it correct
  •  The new student in the class very talkative and friendly. (I)
        The sentence has subject, The new student, but no verb. So incorrect.
        The correct sentence can be The new student in the class is very talkative and friendly
  •  Each day practiced the piano for hours. (I)
        The sentence doesn't have subject. The verb is practiced. So incorrect.
  •  The customer paying the clerk for the clothes. (I)
        The sentence doesn't have to be, is. So incorrect
        It should be The customer is paying the clerk for the clothes
  •  The bus schedule has changed since last week. (C)
        The subject is The bus and verb is has changed, so the sentence is Correct
I hope this discussion toefl skills can help your friends understand the material of toefl ^_^

sumber: www.toeflskill.com 

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