Kataku untukmu !!!

Jangan pernah letih mengarungi samudera yang begitu luas..
Jangan takut akan badai dan ombak yang menerjang kehidupan..
Jangan lalaikan segalanya yang mudah terabaikan..
Jangan pernah takut untuk bermimpi dalam langit-Nya..

Karena kita tak akan tahu apa yang ada dalam dasarnya samudera..
Karena kita tak akan tahu bahwa terpaan badai dan deburan ombak mampu menyulam keadaan menjadi indah..
Karena kita tak akan tahu berapa lama waktu yang tersisa dalam nyatanya hidup..
Karena kita tak akan tahu banyak sinar dalam malamnya langit dan memberi songkohan yang tajam untuk tiap asa yang tertancap..

Bahwa Sang Pencipta tak akan pernah sia-sia menciptakan langit yang berlapis dan tata surya yang mendampingi..
Bahwa sesungguhnya, hidup ini penuh dengan liku yang mengharu birukan degupan jantung dalam sanubari..
Bahwa tiap untaian keabadian di akhirat akan mampu kita tembus dengan untaian yang kita tulis di dunia..

So, Bersyukurlah dan Bertaqwalah !!!
Murnikan segala ibadah kita hanya untuk mengharapkan ridho-Nya !!!
Semangat dan tetap Istiqomah, duhai pemuda-pemudi ISLAM !!!

Selasa, 10 April 2012

Teruntuk Engkau yang Akan Menjadi Imamku, Insya Allah

Miliki aku dengan cara yang Allah ridha engkau untuk memilikiku
Sayangi aku dengan cara yang telah Allah perintahkan dirimu dalam menyayangiku
Jadilah pemilik tulang rusukku yang dapat menjadi penyandarnya, agar kelak aku rapuh, kau dapat mengobatinya
Kau adalah imam untuk keluargamu, maka bersikap tegas dan bijaklah terhadap penghuni di dalamnya

Toefl - Skill 25 (Adjective After Linking Verbs)

The ending of learn skill toef about Adjective After Linking Verbs. Generally an adverb rather than an-adjective will come directly after a verb because the adverb is describing the verb.

Toefl - Skill 24 (Adjectives and Adverbs)

One of the last two skill toefl material that is a discussion of Adjective and Adverbs. Sometimes in the Written Expression section of the TOEFL test, adjectives are incorrectly used in place of adverbs, or adverbs are incorrectly used in place of adjectives. Adjectives and adverbs have very different uses in sentences. Adjectives have only one job: they describe nouns or pronouns.

Toefl - Skill 23 (Pronoun Reference)

The skill 23 in Stucture of Toefl is Pronooun Reference. After you have checked that the subject and object pronouns and the possessives are used correctly, you should also check each of these pronouns and possessives for agreement. The following are examples of errors of this type that you might find on the TOEFL test.

Toefl - Skill 21 (Subject and Object Pronoun)

Pronouns are words such as he, she, or it that take the place of nouns. One common problem with pronouns on the TOEFL test is that subject and object pronouns are confused, so you should be able to recognize these two types of pronouns.

Toefl - Skill 19 (Problems with Singular and Plural Nouns)

In skill 19, we will discuss Problems with Singular and Plural Nouns. A problem that is common in the Written Expression section of the TOEFL test is a singular noun used where a plural noun is needed, or a plural noun used where a singular noun is needed.
1. He just finished several book*.
2. She studied each chapters

Toefl - Skill 14 (Parallel Structur with Coordinate Connector)

Now, we will learn the skill to skill  14th from the structure toefl is Parallel Structur with Coordinate Connector.

The job of the coordinate conjunctions (and, but, or) is to join together equal expressions. In other words, what is on one side of these words must be parallel to what is on the other side. These conjunctions can join nouns, or verbs, or adjectives, or phrases, or clauses; they just must join together the same structures. Here are examples of equal structures correctly joined by coordinate conjunctions:
  • He discussed the problem with the nurse and the doctor 
  • The professor was knowledgeable but boring 
  • She hikes, jogs, or rides her bicycle whenever she can.
  • There are meetings in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening 
  • You can do the work because you want to do it or because you have to do it
In the first example, two nouns are joined by the coordinate conjunction and. In the second example, two adjectives are joined by the coordinate conjunction but. In the third example, three verbs are joined by the coordinate conjunction or. In the fourth example, three phrases are joined by the coordinate conjunction and. In the last example; two clauses are joined by the coordinate conjunction or.
The sentences that follow show the types of errors in parallel structure that are common on the TOEFL test.
  • The evening dress was beauty* but expensive.
  • The student reads each chapter, takes a lot of notes, and memories* the material.
In the first example, the coordinate conjunction but joins the noun beauty and the adjective expensive. The adjective beautiful is needed in place of beauty. In the second example, the coordinate conjunction and joins the verb reads, the verb takes, and the plural noun memories. The verb memorizes is needed in place of memories. 
The following chart outlines the use of parallel structures with coordinate con junctions.

Each of the following sentences contains words or groups of words that should be parallel. Circle the word that indicates that the sentence should have parallel parts. Underline the parts that should be parallel. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).
1. The pastries in that shop are very expensive but quite deliciously. (I)
  • before BUT  and after BUT must have the same structure. EXPENSIVE is adjective, but deliciously is adverb. (incorrect)
  • It should be ....very expensive but quite delicious. (correct)

2. You can find some change to buy a paper in the drawer, on top of the dresser, or in the jar. (C)
  • in the drawer, on top of the dresser, or in the jar are all in same structure (adverb). So, it is correct.
3. The living room was decorated with expensive paintings and elegance lamps. (I).
  • expensive (adjective) painting and elegance (noun) lamps have different structure. So, it is incorrect.
  • It should be ....expensive painting and elegant lamps. And it is correct.
4. He knew that the financial problems were serious, that the situation was not going to improve, and that he needed to get a job.
  • ......that the situation was not going to improve and that he needs to get a  job have the same structure. Both sentences are clauses. So, it is correct
5. All day long during the trip to the mountains, they were skiing, sledding, or played in the snow. (I)
  • ...skiing, sledding, or played....(incorrect). 
  • It should be ..skiing, sledding, or playing. (correct)
6. The car needs new tires but not a new engine. (C)
  • ...new tires (phrase) but not a new engine (phrase). So, it is correct
7. He stops working when he gets too tired to continue or when he has finished. (C)
  • ...when he gets too tired to continue (clause) or when he has finished (clause). So, it is correct
8. To get to the office, you should go through this door, turn to the left, and continuation down the hall. (I)
  • ...go (verb) through this door, turn (verb) to the left, and continuation (noun) down the hall. So it is incorrect.
  • It should be ".....go......, turn, and continue,,,,,,," And it is correct.
9. For dessert we could serve lemon pie, fruit tarts, chocolate cake, or butter cookies.(C)
  • ....lemon pie, fruit tarts, chocolate cake and butter cookies are all phrases. So, it is correct.
10. The sick child needs some medicine, some juice, and to rest. (I)
  • some medicine, some juice and to rest. (incorrect)
  • It should be "..some medicine. some juice and some rest" (correct)

sumber: www.toeflskill.com

Toefl - Skill 5 (Coordinate Connector)

This meeting, we will discuss about the skill fifth from the structure of matter toefl is Coordinate Connector. Many sentences in English have more than one clause. (A clause is a group of words containing a subject and a verb.) When you have two clauses in an English sentence, you must connect the two clauses correctly. One way to connect two clauses is to use and, but, or, or so between the clauses.

  • The sun was shining and the sky was blue. 
  • The sky was blue, but it was very cold. 
  • It may rain tonight, or it may be clear. 
  • It was raining outside, so I took my umbrella.
 In each of these examples, there are two clauses that are correctly joined with a coordinate connector—and, but, or, or so—and a comma (,). The following example shows how this sentence pattern could be tested in the Structure section of the TOEFL test.

1. I forgot my coat, ____ I got very cold. 
     (A)  then
     (B)   so
     (C)   later
      (D)  as a result

In this example, you should notice quickly that there are two clauses, I forgot my coat and I got very cold. This sentence needs a connector to join the two clauses. Then, later, and as a result are not connectors, so answers (A), (C), and (D) are not correct. The best answer is answer (B) because so can connect two clauses in this manner.

The following chart lists the coordinate connectors and the sentence pattern used with them. 

To better understand learning about coordinate connector, try the following exercise:

EXERCISE 5: Each of the following sentences contains more than one clause. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Circle the connectors. Then indicate if the sentences are correct ‘(C) or incorrect (I).

1. The lawn needs water every day, or it will turn brown. (C)
   Both clauses are correct and coordinate connector is correct.

2. The book was not long, it difficult to read. (I)
   Second clause should be it is difficult to read. There is not coordinate connector.

3. It was raining, so decided not to go camping. (I)
   Second clause has no Subject.

4. The material has been cut, and the pieces have been sewn together. (C)
   Both clauses are correct and coordinate connector is correct too.

5. The patient took all the medicine, he did not feel much better. (I)
   Both clauses are correct but there is no coordinate connector

6. The bill must be paid immediately, or the electricity will be turned off. (C)
   Both clauses are correct and coordinate connector is correct, too

7. The furnace broke so the house got quite cold. (I)
   Both clauses are correct, but there is no comma. It should be The furnace broke, so the house got quite cold.

8. The dress did not cost too much, but the quality it seemed excellent. (I)
   Second clause has two subject; the quality and it. It should be the quality seemed excellent. Coordinate connector is correct.

9. The leaves kept falling off the trees, and the boys kept raking them up, but the yard was still covered. (C)
   All clauses and coordinate are connectors correct, too.

10. The mail carrier has already delivered the mail, so the letter is not going to arrive today, it probably will arrive tomorrow. (I)
   All clauses are correct, but coordinate connector So is wrong. So should be changed with but.

sumber: www.toeflskill.com