Kataku untukmu !!!

Jangan pernah letih mengarungi samudera yang begitu luas..
Jangan takut akan badai dan ombak yang menerjang kehidupan..
Jangan lalaikan segalanya yang mudah terabaikan..
Jangan pernah takut untuk bermimpi dalam langit-Nya..

Karena kita tak akan tahu apa yang ada dalam dasarnya samudera..
Karena kita tak akan tahu bahwa terpaan badai dan deburan ombak mampu menyulam keadaan menjadi indah..
Karena kita tak akan tahu berapa lama waktu yang tersisa dalam nyatanya hidup..
Karena kita tak akan tahu banyak sinar dalam malamnya langit dan memberi songkohan yang tajam untuk tiap asa yang tertancap..

Bahwa Sang Pencipta tak akan pernah sia-sia menciptakan langit yang berlapis dan tata surya yang mendampingi..
Bahwa sesungguhnya, hidup ini penuh dengan liku yang mengharu birukan degupan jantung dalam sanubari..
Bahwa tiap untaian keabadian di akhirat akan mampu kita tembus dengan untaian yang kita tulis di dunia..

So, Bersyukurlah dan Bertaqwalah !!!
Murnikan segala ibadah kita hanya untuk mengharapkan ridho-Nya !!!
Semangat dan tetap Istiqomah, duhai pemuda-pemudi ISLAM !!!

Selasa, 10 April 2012

Toefl - Skill 24 (Adjectives and Adverbs)

One of the last two skill toefl material that is a discussion of Adjective and Adverbs. Sometimes in the Written Expression section of the TOEFL test, adjectives are incorrectly used in place of adverbs, or adverbs are incorrectly used in place of adjectives. Adjectives and adverbs have very different uses in sentences. Adjectives have only one job: they describe nouns or pronouns.

  • In the first example, the adjective delicious describes the noun meal.
  • In the second example, the adjective delicious describes the pronoun it.

Adverbs have three different uses. They can describe verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.

  • In the first example, the adverb quickly describes the verb writes
  • In the second example, the adverb quickly describes the adjective written (which describes the noun letter). 
  • n the third example, the adverb extremely describes the adverb quickly, which describes the adjective written (which describes the noun letter).
The following are examples of incorrect sentences as they might appear on the TOEFL test.
  • In the first example, the adverb largely is incorrect because the adjective large is needed to describe the noun table
  • In the second example, the adjective soft is incorrect because the adverb softly is needed to describe the verb talked
  • In the third example, the adjective extreme is incorrect because the adverb extremely is needed to describe the adjective long.
  • In the last example, the adjective unbelievable is incorrect because the adverb unbelievably is needed to describe the adverb quickly.
The following chart outlines the important information that you should remember about the use of adjectives and adverbs.

1. He talked slowly and carefully. (C)


  • Adverb Slowly and carefully are correct because they describe talked (verb)
2. The composition was careful prepared.(I)


  • Adjective careful is incorrect. It should be carefully (adverb) because it describes prepared (adjective)
3. She had an incredible story about her long trip. (C)


  • adjective incredible is correct because it describes story (noun).
4. He sent me a quickly written note. (C)


  • adverb quickly is correct because it describes written (adjective).
  • adjective written is correct because it describes note (noun).
5. The cat meowed sad. (I)


  • adjective sad is incorrect. It should be sadly (adverb) because it describes meowed (verb)
6. Her hair was an unusually color of red. (I)


  • the adverb unusually is incorrect. It should be unusual (adjective) to describe the color (noun)
 7. The weather is really comfortable. (C)


  • Really (adverb) is correct because it describes comfortable (adjective)
8. We attended a poor planned conference. (I)


  • Adjective poor is incorrect. It should be poorly (adverb) because it describes planned (adjective).
9. The children are hungry and tired. (C)


  • Adjective hungry and tired are correct because they describe children (subject)
10. The lecturer spoke extremely loud. (I)


  • Adjective loud is incorrect. It should be loudly (adverb) because it describes spoke (verb).

sumber: www.toeflskill.com

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