Kataku untukmu !!!

Jangan pernah letih mengarungi samudera yang begitu luas..
Jangan takut akan badai dan ombak yang menerjang kehidupan..
Jangan lalaikan segalanya yang mudah terabaikan..
Jangan pernah takut untuk bermimpi dalam langit-Nya..

Karena kita tak akan tahu apa yang ada dalam dasarnya samudera..
Karena kita tak akan tahu bahwa terpaan badai dan deburan ombak mampu menyulam keadaan menjadi indah..
Karena kita tak akan tahu berapa lama waktu yang tersisa dalam nyatanya hidup..
Karena kita tak akan tahu banyak sinar dalam malamnya langit dan memberi songkohan yang tajam untuk tiap asa yang tertancap..

Bahwa Sang Pencipta tak akan pernah sia-sia menciptakan langit yang berlapis dan tata surya yang mendampingi..
Bahwa sesungguhnya, hidup ini penuh dengan liku yang mengharu birukan degupan jantung dalam sanubari..
Bahwa tiap untaian keabadian di akhirat akan mampu kita tembus dengan untaian yang kita tulis di dunia..

So, Bersyukurlah dan Bertaqwalah !!!
Murnikan segala ibadah kita hanya untuk mengharapkan ridho-Nya !!!
Semangat dan tetap Istiqomah, duhai pemuda-pemudi ISLAM !!!

Selasa, 10 April 2012

Toefl - Skill 19 (Problems with Singular and Plural Nouns)

In skill 19, we will discuss Problems with Singular and Plural Nouns. A problem that is common in the Written Expression section of the TOEFL test is a singular noun used where a plural noun is needed, or a plural noun used where a singular noun is needed.
1. He just finished several book*.
2. She studied each chapters

In the first example, several indicates that the plural books is needed. In the second example, each indicates that the singular chapter is needed.

In the Written Expression section of the TOEFL test you should watch very carefully for key words such as each, every, a, and single that indicate that a noun should be singular. You should also watch carefully for key words such as many, several, and three that indicate that a noun should be plural.

The following chart lists the key words that indicate to you whether a noun should be singular or plural.


Each of the following sentences contains at least one key word to tell you if a noun should be singular or plural. Circle the key words. Draw arrows to the nouns they describe. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

1. She talked to each people in the room. (I)
  • after each is singular object, so each people should be each person.
2. There is not a single bit of food in the refrigerator. (C)
  • after single is singular noun, so a single bit is correct.
3. You need two piece of weight loss pills (I)
  • after two is plural noun, so two piece should be two pieces
 4. Both classes started on time. (C)
  • After both is plural noun, so both classes is correct
 5. We took a new routes to the beach house.(I)
  • after a is singular noun, so a new routes is incorrect and it should be a new route

6. He gave many different reasons for his actions. (C)
  • after many is plural noun, so many different reasons is correct.

7. You must answer every questions on the test. (I)
  • after every is singular noun, so every question is incorrect and it it should be every question.
8. She tried several times to call me. (C)
  • after several is plural noun, so several times is correct.
9. He offered me only one glass of water. (C)
  • after one is singular noun, so one glass is correct.
10. We had various kind of drinks with the meal.(I)
  • after various is plural noun, so various kind is incorrect, it should be various kinds.
sumber: www.toeflskill.com

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