Kataku untukmu !!!

Jangan pernah letih mengarungi samudera yang begitu luas..
Jangan takut akan badai dan ombak yang menerjang kehidupan..
Jangan lalaikan segalanya yang mudah terabaikan..
Jangan pernah takut untuk bermimpi dalam langit-Nya..

Karena kita tak akan tahu apa yang ada dalam dasarnya samudera..
Karena kita tak akan tahu bahwa terpaan badai dan deburan ombak mampu menyulam keadaan menjadi indah..
Karena kita tak akan tahu berapa lama waktu yang tersisa dalam nyatanya hidup..
Karena kita tak akan tahu banyak sinar dalam malamnya langit dan memberi songkohan yang tajam untuk tiap asa yang tertancap..

Bahwa Sang Pencipta tak akan pernah sia-sia menciptakan langit yang berlapis dan tata surya yang mendampingi..
Bahwa sesungguhnya, hidup ini penuh dengan liku yang mengharu birukan degupan jantung dalam sanubari..
Bahwa tiap untaian keabadian di akhirat akan mampu kita tembus dengan untaian yang kita tulis di dunia..

So, Bersyukurlah dan Bertaqwalah !!!
Murnikan segala ibadah kita hanya untuk mengharapkan ridho-Nya !!!
Semangat dan tetap Istiqomah, duhai pemuda-pemudi ISLAM !!!

Selasa, 10 April 2012

Toefl - Skill 21 (Subject and Object Pronoun)

Pronouns are words such as he, she, or it that take the place of nouns. One common problem with pronouns on the TOEFL test is that subject and object pronouns are confused, so you should be able to recognize these two types of pronouns.

A subject pronoun is used as the subject of a verb. An object pronoun can be used as the object of a verb or the object of a preposition. Compare the following two sentences.

In the second sentence, the subject pronoun she is replacing the noun Marie. The object of the verb it is replacing the noun phrase the film, and the object of the preposition him is replacing the noun Barry.

The following are examples of the types of subject or object pronoun errors that you might see on the TOEFL test:
1. Me* and my friend are taking a trip.
    In this example, the object pronoun me is incorrect because this pronoun serves as the subject of the sentence. The object pronoun me should be changed to the subject pronoun I. It can be difficult to recognize that me is the subject because the verb are has a double subject, me and my friend.
2. Our neighbors are going with you and I*
    In this example, the subject pronoun I is incorrect because this pronoun serves as the object of the preposition with. The subject pronoun I should be changed to the object pronoun me. It can be difficult to recognize that I is the object of the preposition with because the preposition with has two objects: the correct object you and the incorrect object I.
Each of the following sentences contains at least one subject or object pronoun. Circle the pronouns. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

1. You should do it for her. (C)
  • It is correct it functions as Object pronoun
2. They helped she with the work. (I)
  • She is Subject Pronoun.
  • But, the sentence needs Object Pronoun "her". So, the correct sentence is They helped her with the work
3. Her and Bob came over to visit me. (I)
  • Her is Object pronoun.
  • It should be Subject Pronoun " She". So, the correct sentence is She and Bob came over to visit me.
4. I brought it for you and them. (C)
  • Subject Pronoun "I" is correct.
  • Object pronoun You and Them" is correct too.
 5. He opened the refrigerator and took some food from it. (C)
  • Subject pronoun "He" is correct and Object pronoun "it" is correct, too.
 6. She lent it to you and I. (I)
  • Subject pronoun "She" is correct.
  • Object pronoun "I" is incorrect. It should be "me" as object pronoun.
7. She spent all the money on them.(C)
  • Subject pronoun "She" is correct.
  • Object Pronoun "Them" is correct, too
 8. You forgot to give it to they. (I)
  • Object pronoun "it" is correct.
  • Subject pronoun "they" is incorrect. It should be Object pronoun "them". So the correct sentence is You forgot to give it to them.
 9. We offered she a place to stay. (I)
  • Subject pronoun "she" is incorrect. It should be object pronoun "her"
10. They watched us play with it. (C)
  • Object pronoun "us" and " it" is correct
sumber: www.toeflskill.com

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